Although veins may sometimes look blue through your skin, it’s not because your blood is blue. The deceptive color of your veins results from the way different wavelengths of light penetrate your skin, are absorbed, and reflect back to your eyes — that is, only high-energy (blue) light can make it all the way to your veins and back.
Your vascular system is your body’s network of blood vessels. It includes your: Arteries, which carry oxygen-rich blood from your heart to your tissues and organs; Veins, which carry the blood and waste products back to your heart; Capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels that connect your small arteries to your small veins.
This vast system of blood vessels – arteries, veins, and capillaries – is over 60,000 miles long. That’s long enough to go around the world more than twice! What’s more, the capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, would make up about 80 percent of this length.
If the red blood cells from one person were to be stacked in the sky, they would reach 31,000 miles.
The walls of the capillaries are thin and leaky, to allow for an exchange of materials between your tissues and blood. Vascular diseases are conditions that affect your vascular system.
The human circulatory system fights disease and helps maintain homeostasis within the body.
Terahertz vascular therapy is known for its distinctive ability to target the body’s microcirculation to help users improve their blood flow and increase their performance, recovery, and overall wellness.
Terahertz therapy is truly incredible and its ability to improve the human function of microcirculation is so helpful. Being able to target this system and increase its efficiency can be incredibly helpful in keeping our bodies working well and recovering quickly.
Because the therapy improves blood circulation, it can offer benefits to almost anyone who uses it. By supporting healthy blood flow, it helps to build resiliency in the body over time.
It’s designed to support the self-regulatory processes of the human body to improve blood flow, nutrient and oxygen delivery, waste removal, strength, endurance, stamina, energy, muscle conditioning, stress response and help with the user’s quality of sleep.
Here’s the thing…
We are evolved to run – but not to exercise.
You heard that right!
Harvard evolutionary scientist says humans evolved to avoid unnecessary physical activity.
When people don’t exercise, we label them as lazy, but they are actually doing what we evolved to do – which is to avoid unnecessary physical activity.
The biggest myth is that it is normal to exercise. Our hunter-gatherer and farming ancestors never ran or walked several miles a day just for health.
If you ever watched the gorillas or chimps in Dublin Zoo, they spend a lot of time inactive, sitting around grooming or feeding.
Our deeply embedded human instinct during downtime is to be as inactive as possible. To conserve energy for when the saber tooth tiger shows up that we might escape.
The average hunter-gatherer men and women walk about six miles a day, respectively, in order to hunt or collect food. Our ancestors evolved to be endurance walkers but only when necessary.
Persistence hunting seems to have been widespread. This involves humans running and walking after prey, never letting it cool down, and tracking it until it overheats and exhausts itself.
Walking and running are essential to switch on repair and maintenance in our bodies. Exercise breaks down muscles and triggers inflammation, but this in turn switches on anti-inflammatory and repair mechanisms. The long-term effect is less inflammation all over the body. Exercise also keeps off belly fat, which in itself is a major cause of inflammation and other problems. We evolved to be physically active. It is important for almost every system in the body, especially our vascular system!
We all know exercise is good for us. But our natural instinct is not to exercise.
It’s been said that before the invention of the automobile people would walk from one end of the United States and back in the course of a year.
Imagine what that would have done for microcirculation!
Terahertz therapy – a new method of treatment of cardiovascular pathology
Endotelial Dysfunction of Cavernosal Arteries: Role of Nitrogen Oxide, Influence of Long Range Infra-Red Radiation
“The article provides survey of bibliography related with biological effect of nitrogen oxide. The survey covers issues of endothelial dysfunction of cavern arteries and methods of its identification. In particular, interaction of interagency range infra-red radiation with biological objects of various complexity has been considered. Data collection demonstrates that effects of terahertz range infra red waves in biological systems is possible on molecular, cell, organ and system level of regulation.”