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ITeraCare TeraHertz Wave Therapy

Tera Hertz technology is the latest treatment from the world of advanced healing. Using Terahertz Waves, discovered  in the 1980’ to mateh the vibration frequency of human cell, the therapy helps blood fowl with normal healthy cells absorbing the Tera Waves while dormant cell are re-activated. As a exult, damaged cells ae repaired, leading to improved healing times in areas of trauma and leaving the patient feeling energized. Regular use also strengthens and induces the DNA organic molecules, enhancing self-repairing body cells.

THz (terahertz) waves are 2 form of nonionizing radiation and contain low photon energy, and are strongly absorbed | by polar molecules such as water in both gas and liquid sates. It shows the depth of Tera Hertz Wave penetration n | our biological tissues. 3

Treatment with the ITeraCare Blower using Tera Hertz Technology Can:

  • Clear the eight extraordinary vessels of the body.
  • Pass through twelve main channels of the body.
  • Remone toxins and harmful substances from the body
  • Remove unhealthy elements that aren’t natural to our body.
  • Detect potential diseases using 2 scanning function.
  • Unclog vessels and stasis in the body.
  • Detoxification
  • Regulate internal organs and the immune system.
  • Replenish the body with Yang aura energy
  • Repairs Damaged cells and tissue.

Nonionising Energy

Terahertz can still penetrate the body, but because of the low energy, it’s nonionizing, and harmless, unlike, for example, X-rays.

Cell Therapy

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics found that terahertz frequencies may have applications in manipulating cell functions for the treatment of certain medical conditions.

Hydrogen Bonds

The characteristic energy of the hydrogen bond, which is the most dominant bond in biological molecules, lies within the THz frequency range.

Precision Targeting

A recent scientific study found that terahertz frequencies when targeting specific areas of the body can have an effect on proteins inside cells without harming or altering the cells themselves.

ITera Care: Powered By Science, Inspired By Nature.

Nature offers abundant solutions to the problems we deem unsolvable. All it takes is for the world’s greatest minds to acknowledge and discover these secrets.

Here is how our products powered by nature assuage your concerns.

All About The Hertz

For the DNA, RNA, and proteins to catalyze energetic reactions, it all depends on their vibrational states modes using TeraHertz

What Is Tera Hertz?

The answer is easier than you think.

The other end of the spectrum lies gamma rays, which are billions of times smaller.

In between, we have what we’re looking for..

The “Terahertz” frequency range, or “THz Gap.”

Minding The Gap

It is called the “gap’ because our science has yet to bridge its potential into the technology we have today.

Terahertz frequency does not emit ionizing radiation, with a higher frequency and shorter wavelength that potentially harbor severe health issues, such as genetic damage and different kinds of cancer.

Nonionizing terahertz energy is safe and beneficial if utilized wisely.

Frequency Determines Physiology
Our bodies consist of materials other than the ordinary flesh and blood we easily recognize.

The skin is the body’s largest organ, with the dermis comprising a dense network of mechanoreceptors and nerve endings that help us feel.

Our sense of touch, pressure, vibration, pain, and heat all stem from these complex networks branching throughout our bodies.

It also acts as our body’s thermoregulatory, controlling blood flow within a few milli- meters of the body.

How Terahertz frequencies manage to seep through these crystalline structures within us determines the fundamental properties of the material that makes us.


Piezoelectricity is the electricity emitted from pressure and latent heat. In response to applied mechanical stress, the electric charge accumulates in certain solid martials, from crystals and ceramics to biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins.

(this was vaguely fit in the info provided, so | didn’t know where to adjust it in the content)

Hydroelectric Machines

As humans, we have a deep connection with water, which constitutes a major part of our bodies, just like the world is 70% water.

In addition, we possess over 100 “ion channels” in our bodies relaying information in the form of frequency. A voltage membrane is maintained through the synchronization of biological processes (such as Ca2+, Na+, K+ -ATPase.

Our TeraHertz Device uses these hydrogen bonds and water channels called “aqua- porins.” The water around proteins is susceptible to absorbing more terahertz than pure water, which helps proteins fold correctly.

The correct folding of proteins is crucial to prevent diseases and cellular homeostasis.

Molecular vibrations present in proteins are essential to regulate the functions of proteins. Terahertz is the catalyst for DNA, RNA, and Proteins to formulate energetic reactions and carry information.

In other words, you are a hydroelectric being, and terahertz Divine Frequency tar- gets these mechanisms in you!

The Terahertz DDR (DNA Damage Response)

The prime objective for every life form is to transfer its genetic material, intact and unaltered, to the next generation.

Our body ensures this transfer despite constant attacks and infiltrations by endogenous and environmental agents.

As a counter to this threat, life has evolved several systems to detect DNA damage, triggering its immediate repair.

Such responses are biologically significant, for they are your security system against dangerous diseases.

Studies have suggested that terahertz frequency waves enhance hydrogen bond variations leading to openings between the DNA strands.

This triggers the DNA Damage Response.

This positive reaction upregulates genes and pathways guarding your genome, such as the gene called PS3.

Here is how this works:
Water is crucial for the stability and functioning of biological macromolecules. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is not on exception.

Terahertz stimulus allows for breaks in hydrogen bonds on DNA, including the DDR.

Each of the 10 trillion cells in the human body receives tens of thousands of DNA le- sions per day.

These lesions can restrict genome replication and transcription and lead to muta- tions or wider-scale genome aberrations that threaten our health if not repaired.

Terahertz frequency induces a short duration of the DNA Damage Response, which initiates DNA Repair.

Heat Therapy

One of iTeraCare’s main focuses is Heat Therapy.

Healing your injuries and illnesses may be more simple than you think. The secret is in how the blood works. The aspect that promotes blood circulation due to in- creased temperature can soothe discomfort and facilitate muscle flexibility. Dam- aged tissue can reconstruct itself by o mere rise in temperature.

Besides being the very reason you live, oxygen heals your wounds traveling through your bloodstream, carrying the essential nutrients for a natural remedy.

The heat helps remove lactic acid buildup, causing tight and stressed muscles to take o “breather.”

Furthermore, scientists have researched heat to be able to keep stem cells healthy and functioning.

The enhanced activity of the heat rebalances the cells’ state of equilibrium or homeostasis. The recovery of protein homeostasis by enhanced heat activation has been established through experiments conducted on mice and human hematopoietic stem cells.

Protein damage impairs stem cells during aging and likely disrupts older people’s blood and immune cell production.

To sum it all up, the Terahertz frequency enhances hydrogen bond vibrations leading to improved protein folding and induces the DNA Damage Response triggering the expression of the “Guardian of the Genome* P53.

It also synchronizes hydro-electrical voltage properties such as Aquaporin water channels, Ca2+, Na+, and K+ -ATPase ion channels, thus maintaining membrane voltage.

But don’t take our word for it.

Here are some people you might know who would vouch for us

“Those who cannot be cured by medicine can be cured by surgery. Those who cannot be cured by surgery can be cured by fire [hyperthermia]. Those who cannot be cured by fire are indeed incurable.”


“If you want to find the universe’s secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibration.”

– Nikola Tesla

“Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies.”

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